Townie of the Year
Missoula Midtown Association 2023 Townie of the Year Award The MMA is recognizing an exceptional Missoulian making a difference in Midtown with the first annual Townie of the Year Award was presented at our Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday, March 8th.
Congratulations to Ellen Buchanan, winner of the second annual “Townie of the Year” Award!

The award, co-presented by Farmers State Bank and Jackson Contractor Group, recognizes a Missoulian who exemplifies the mission of the Association through their commitment to maintaining a healthy business community and enhancing the quality of life and quality of place for visitors and residents alike.
Ellen Buchanan is the Director of the Missoula Redevelopment Agency, where for two decades she has been the behind-the-scenes leader guiding the creation of Mary Avenue’s extension across the Southgate Mall parking lot, the transformation of a railroad property into the well-loved MRL park, the redevelopment of a shuttered KMART into the South Crossing with restaurants and retail spaces, and she helped with the creation of the Missoula Midtown Association as one of our founding volunteers who saw the potential in organizing businesses and residents to have a voice in Missoula’s future.
“Ellen has spent countless hours guiding our organization in the Midtown Master Plan process,” Lauren Hutchison, Midtown Board President said. “We are incredibly grateful for her years of advocacy, her vision and her ability to help make big goals a reality to ensure residents and businesses in the center of this valley have a vibrant and accessible place to live and work.”
Nominees for the 2023 Townie of the Year included Ellen Buchanan of the MRA, Scott Burke of First Security Bank, and Glenn Marangelo of the Missoula Butterfly House & Insectarium.