Transforming the Brooks Street Corridor
The City of Missoula, in collaboration with other members of Midtown Mojo, recently released the first phase of the Brooks Street Corridor Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Infrastructure Study. This study, led by HDR, builds on the vision for vibrant TOD on Brooks Street established through a series of previous studies. This most recent study recommends center-running bus rapid transit (BRT) with two travel lanes in each direction, dedicated bicycle lanes, and wide sidewalks with street trees and pedestrian amenities.
The design concept is for the full gamut of transportation infrastructure needed to transform Brooks Street into a permeable, enjoyable destination corridor, with vital development nodes in the heart of Midtown. The next phase of the study will engage the Montana Department of Transportation and examine right-of-way needs.
Thank you to Annette Marchesseault with the Missoula Redevelopment Agency (MRA) for the thorough presentation regarding the studies and plan in place during the virtual MidTown-Hall earlier this month!