
Gold Member

Missoula County Fairgrounds

Missoula Fairgrounds

Situated on 46 acres in the center of Midtown, the historic Missoula County Fairgrounds is equipped to host almost any type of event in any season. In addition to being the home of the Western Montana Fair, over 100 events are currently scheduled each year, creating a positive economic impact for our community and the surrounding area. With diverse features and numerous indoor and outdoor facilities, the Fairgrounds caters to a variety of needs large and small, public or private. Be it through cyclocross or monster trucks, wedding receptions or a haunted house, a gun show, car show or rabbit show, our staff has experience that will assist in making your events come to life. Look into having your next business meeting, trade show, concert, livestock event, fundraiser, birthday party, art show, or service event at the Missoula County Fairgrounds. We are eager to book your event. Applications and specifics about each facility are available on our website.

1101 South Ave W., Missoula, MT 59801
