MMA Committees
MMA Committee Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities
The Missoula Midtown Association (MMA) has an 11-member volunteer board of directors assisted by a part-time executive director. This is a working board that completes the association’s business utilizing the help of active committees. Board members are expected to have served on a committee before joining the board and during their board term. To serve on a board or committee volunteers must be MMA members in good standing. The following is a list of committees with roles and responsibilities outlined.
Membership Committee: The membership committee is responsible for overseeing and executing the recruitment, retention, and support of MMA members. This is a fantastic committee to serve on if you enjoy interacting with Missoula businesses and residents. The committee meets the fourth Friday of each month at 11a.m. on ZOOM.
Membership Committee Chair Responsibilities:
● Schedule working committee meetings, prepare agenda and maintain assignment sheets
● Ensure consistent progress is made based on goals and objectives
● Identify priorities of the committee and delegate tasks
● Provide committee updates at monthly board meetings
● Recruit committee members as needed
● Lead efforts to reconcile and update membership google spreadsheet
● Lead efforts to keep membership worksheet updated
● Lead efforts to keep prospect target sheet updated
● Lead efforts to send welcome emails to all new members
● Work with committee to identify new membership prospects o Set up meetings and support marketing to new prospects
● Develop strategies for new membership prospects
● Help to establish membership contact structure
● Help with membership notification for events on as-needed basis
Membership Committee Volunteer Tasks:
Volunteers on this committee work with our most valued asset – Midtowners. You will be an ambassador for the Missoula Midtown Association and work to ensure our members are engaged. We want them to value our organization and their investment in our organization. This is a great way to network and get to know peers in Midtown.
● Support committee goals and objectives
● Attend committee meetings and complete assignments
● Contribute and have fun engaging our membership
Events Committee:
The events committee plans the monthly mixer socials for members, as well as our Annual Membership Meeting and other signature events. This committee engages potential sponsors as well as promotes the MMA, working in tandem with the membership committee to ensure association events are serving our members. The committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:30p.m. in-person at a Midtown business.
Events Committee Chair Responsibilities:
● Schedule working committee meetings, prepare agenda and maintain assignment sheets
● Ensure consistent progress is made based on goals and objectives of the Committee and the Board
● Identify priorities of the committee and delegate tasks
● Provide committee updates at monthly Board meetings
● Recruit committee members as needed
● Lead association event planning efforts
Events Committee Volunteer Tasks:
● Support committee goals and objectives
● Attend committee meetings and complete assignments
● Assist with event planning and execution
● Attend monthly membership socials and help with set-up, staffing check-in and tear down
Communications Committee:
The communications committee generates quality paid and earned media content for MMA’s communications channels, including printed materials, the website and social media. It sets the tone for the style and voice of our professional organization, while also overseeing scheduled communications with members.
Communications Committee Chair Responsibilities:
● Schedule working committee meetings, prepare agenda and maintain assignment sheets
● Ensure consistent progress is made based on goals and objectives of the committee and the board
● Identify priorities of the committee and delegate tasks
● Provide committee updates at monthly board meetings
● Recruit committee members as needed
● Lead association communications, including the production of the monthly e-newsletter
● Help manage the Association webpage webmaster
Communications Committee Volunteer Responsibilities:
● Create social media content
● Generate paid and earned media ideas
● Oversee website development and updates
● Generate photos
Governance Committee:
The Governance Committee is composed of the MMA Executive Committee and MMA members and is tasked with association health. The committee oversees board recruitment, terms, and adherence to by-laws. The governance committee makes recommendations for by-law updates to ensure modern and efficient governance. If you are a detail-oriented person and like rule making and following, this committee is for you. This committee meets regularly in advance of the Annual Meeting, and as needed in the latter part of each calendar year. This Committee is chaired by the president of the MMA board.
Governance Committee Volunteer Responsibilities:
● Ensure MMA board is robust, diverse, and active
● Ensure the MMA is in compliance with by-laws
● Maintain by-laws
● Ensure a bench of diverse and professional volunteers are serving on committees as training for board service
● Organize business section of annual meeting
● Oversee the Townie of the year nominations and award
Master Plan Committee:
In April 2021 the Midtown Association Board appointed a steering committee that includes diverse perspectives from both public and private sectors to take up the mantle. The committee specializes in land use planning and development, public process, community organizing and outreach, and fundraising. The Master Plan committee meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 2p.m. in-person at a Midtown business.
Master Plan Committee Responsibilities:
● Ensure faithfulness to the goals established in the whitepaper
● Attend meetings as scheduled and follow through on assigned tasks
● Advocate for Midtown and act as a project liaison to the community
● Fundraise public and private dollars
● Refine the scope of the project, including defining project boundaries
● Ensure broad community participation, including creating a Technical Advisory Committee and seeking innovative approaches to working with those left out of traditional public processes
● Lead a fair and transparent procurement process for a consultant team
● Guide the consultant team as Master Planning unfolds
● Participate in Master Planning
● Attend meetings with public agencies to support plan adoption
● Establish an on-going implementation team
Missoula Midtown Foundation Board of Directors:
Our sister organization, the Missoula Midtown Foundation, has a Board of Directors volunteering separately from the MMA board and committees with four executive officers. The Missoula Midtown Foundation oversees specific projects that improve upon the quality of life and place in Midtown and is charged with fundraising, planning and implementing not-for-profit endeavors that arise from MMA work and goals.A